Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Yekhezkel Moshe Neyman


Born in 1893 in Zhichlin, Warsaw region, Poland. Father -- a horepashnik, mother -- descended from gravestone engravers, carvers and school builders. When N. was a year old, his parents moved to Lodz, where they maintained a bar, and in order to keep him far from the bar environment, they sent him to learn to an uncle, a rabbi in a yeshiva in Ozorkow, where N. was known as "the Lodzer feygele" (from which his future pseudonym "a feygl" was derived).

At age ten he left the yeshiva, acted together with several German youths with acid(?), and earned money in Lodz's progymnasium of Yitzhak Katzenelson.

1909 -- entered into a technical school, three years worked as a mechanic, excelled in school as a draftsman and, together with his school friends (the future painter) Marek Schwartz, oysgearbet the iron gate for the Wilker school in Lodz, although gehert the entire time to the best students, and he was however through the throwing of the exam into a student journal couplets and satirical caricatures of a teacher(?).

Still as a student he also began to write in the press, and he had during wartime composed political monologues that were "presented" by actor Hershel Yedvab et al. And later he issued in Lodz's "Heften far literatur un kunst", then he entered as an editorial member in the Lodz's Yiddish press. 1919 -- over to Warsaw as a worker in the unionist weekly, "Dos yuidishe folk", and from there to "Haynt", where he often published feuilleton-like

 ethical posters across societal-social matters, with a special interest in Yiddish theatre, and to Yiddish arts in general, with his frequent reviews, articles and lectures.

N.'s first dramatic work was his mystery "Kdmun", for which he had fragments published in "Yung idish" (being a member of the Zm'h), "Ringen" and "Literarishe bleter".

N. was a member (together with Moshe Broderzon, Yitzhak Broyner and Henekh Kon) of the first Yiddish marionette theatre "Khad gadya" in Lodz, had written the prologue and epilogue to the offering of Mendele's "Der priziv" (25 December 19223) in Warsaw, and had together with Sholem Asch, composed a film of Jewish-Polish life as the foundation of Sholem Asch's work.

In 1923 in Warsaw, there was published N.'s "Shabes-oybs, a folks-shtik in three acts" (163 pp., 16°), with a reproduction of a bas-relief by Marek Schwartz.

In the "Literarishe bleter" (N' 137, 1926), N. published his "Akademish hoyz, actual burlesque in eight scenes".

He also wrote a comedy "Der milyoner", and a play "Feni vadya", based on the life of the Yiddish actress Fanny-Vadya Epstein.

N. translated form Polish Shanyavsky's comedy "Der pepirener gelibter".

  • Z. Reyzen -- "Lexicon of Yiddish Literature", Vol. II, pp. 561-564.

  • Dr. Y. Shiper -- Dramatishe verk, "Bikher-velt", Warsaw, 5, 1923.

  • SZE -- Teater-notitsn, "Unzer folkstsaytung", Warsaw, 28 December 1923.

  • Eyger [A. Eynhorn] -- Teatrale notitsen, "Nayer haynt", Warsaw, 28 December 1923.

  • B. Karlinius -- Teater-felieton, "Der moment", Warsaw, 4 January 1924.

  • Y. M. Neyman -- Der yidisher shreyber tsu zeyn leyener, "LIterarishe bleter", Warsaw, 5, 1931.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 2, page 1420.

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