Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Jacob Dineson


Born in 1856 [according to J. E. -- 1859, according to "Sefer zkhrun" -- 1852 - Trkh"b] in New Zager, Kovno region, Lithuania, into a miukhsdiker family. He received a traditional Jewish education. From his early childhood, he manifested a desire to write. After his father's death, he was raised in Mohilev-on-the-Dnieper by his uncle, and there until age sixteen he learned in a yeshiva, then in the Beit HaMidrash of R' Shimeon Tsukerman.

Through is later novels, R. became one of the pillars of the modern Jewish literature, and since 1887 the intimate friend of I. L. Peretz.

D. also wrote a play that he may have -- according to Citron -- been "ripped off". According to Nachman Mayzel, found among D.'s remaining manuscripts was a drama without a title page.

D. crucially bore witness to the Goldfaden theatre, especially the later flood of  "historic" plays, and had published a series of articles about this time, under the name "Dos yudishe teater" (ideas and memoirs), in his book "Zkhrunus un bilder", publisher "Akhyosf", Warsaw, 1928 (pp. 211-44).

D. also had a warm relationship with many Yiddish actors of his time, especially however with Avraham Goldfaden, who he had
helped sell his work to a publisher. A large correspondence


between them both (the letters from Goldfaden to D. for the years 1890-1897 and 1903) was published by Nachman Mayzel in "Di yidishe velt", Warsaw, IV, 1928.

Dinezon's novel "Der shvartser yungermantshik" was dramatized and staged.

A fragment of D.'s "Yosele" was dramatized as "Yosele in kheder" by Sh. Glazerman, and was printed in "Idishe tsaytung", Buenos Aires, 8 September 1926.

D. passed away on 29 August 1919 in Warsaw, and in the "Ohel peretz" by sculptor Ostsego.

  • Zalmen Reyzen -- "Lexicon of Yiddish Literature", Vol. I, pp. 699-710.

  • Sh. L. Citron -- "Drey literarishe zkhrunus", I, pp. 45, 56-104.

  • Nachman Mayzel -- Vu iz der rikhtiker adres?, "Literarishe bleter", Warsaw 1928, pp. 211-44.

  • N. Auslander, D. Wallerstein, N. Lurie, E. Fininberg -- "Idishe literatur", Kiev 1928, I, pp. 154-61.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 1, page 563.

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