Lives in the Yiddish Theatre



About the founding of "Sambatyon", its founder, Itzhak Nozyk reports the following motives: "First all of our operettas were from American productions, which were mostly melodramas or great tragedies with songs and dance, which ceased to interest our audience. Besides, the actors themselves also wanted, in the end, to be liberated from this kind of theatre, in which they had to simultaneously in one play perform in a dramatic role, as well as being both a singer and a dancer. And most have influenced the outcome of the rehearsals in order to perform translations of European operettas, which made for themselves aftsutreyslen wanted umgelumfertn American repertoire."

The opening of the theatre under the name "Yidisher literarish-kinstlerisher revi-teater "Sambatyon" under the leadership of Moshe Korpinovicz came in June 1926 in Vilna's Folks Theatre. The first program of singing was named "Hkl bkl mkl kl, a joyous revue in two parts, put together and stage directed by Yitzhak Nozyk, Marshalek (conference representative) -- Leib Shriftzetser, with the participation of M. Trilling, M. Gurevicz, Frania Winter, M. Shapiro, Esther Lipovska, L. Yulin, Zlatke Yoroslavska and Aneta Reyzer.

At the end of August, Yitzhak Nozyk ibergekhzrt his tryouts in Warsaw. here the first production was advertised under the name "Sambatyon, a grotesque in two acts, twelve scenes with a prologue, put together and stage directed by Yitzhak Nozyk, music arranged by Shmuel Weinberg, settings by W. Weintraub. "Sambatyon" delegate [conference representative] -- H. Fenigstein".

In November 1926 in Warsaw, there was given the second program, and at the end of January 1927 -- the third program.

In 1927 there was given two revue programs (one in October under the name "Der rbi hot geheysn preylekh zayn"), and the troupe went on a tour across the cities of Lodz, Bialystok, Grodno, Kalich, Radom and Kielce.

In January 1928 there was given a program under the name "Vu nemt men a khasen?, a revue in two acts and ten scenes by A. Yitzkhaki", and Yisrael Stern was announced as the literary director. In March 1928 there was given a revue under the name "Yokum-bember", in April 1928 -- a new revue program under the name "Nokh hbdlh".
After a short tour acros Poland, the troupe disbanded, and in Vilna they assembled a new ensemble under the name "Azazel-Sambatyon, artistic direction -- Y. Nozyk and Y. Strugacz, musical director -- Sh. Prizament, scenic director -- W. Weintraub. Conference delegate - W. Nodik". Te first program there that was given was under the name "Nokh hbdlh". The second under the name of "Hkfus", the third -- without a special name. And on 19 October 1928 there was given a fourth program separately. Soon thereafter, this troupe again disbanded.

In April 1929 a "Sambatyon" again began to perform in Warsaw (at the "Skala" Theatre), but already without the "Sambatyon" label.  The first program was performed under the name "Mit yidene".

In October 1929 again there was given a new program under the name "Yokl dem rbins", and henceforth the revue theatre was liquidated.

In the span of its existence, the theatre staged sketches, one-acters, songs and scenes from : Kh. N. Bialyik, I. L. Peretz, Sh. Frug, Dovid Frishman, A. Reyzen, Y. M. Weisenberg, Moshe Broderzon, Z. Segalovicz, Moshe Kulbak, Y. M. Neiman (a foygl), Y. Tunkl (Der Tunkeler), Bontshe, M. Kipnis, Elkhanan Zeitlin, M. Nodelman, Pesakh Kaplan, M. Gebirtig, Sh. Prizament, Nakhum Shterenheyt, L. Hokhstein, Der lustiger pesimist (Y. Sh. Goldstein), Y. Nozyk (A. Yitzkhaki, Skin), Y. Mitsmakher, Y. Oberzhanek, Sh. O. Shneiderman and S. Kornteyer.

And the programs had in the span of the that time there was also the participation of: H. Fenigstein, Y. Nozyk, A. Rotman, D. Lederman, Kh. Sandler, Yitzhak Feld, Adolf Berman, S. Bronetski, A. Eyzenberg, A. Shtokfeder, Sh. Prizament, H. Feinstein, M. Hermalin, H. Fisher, B. Shvartzstein, M. Levin, M. Fishman, Chana Grosberg, Gizi Heyden, Kh. Levin, Eva Shtokfeder, (Liza) Barska-Fisher, L. Shpilman, Maniela, R. Gazel, H. Ferber (Nozyk), M. Rotman, Manya and Tsile Rapel, M. Potatshinski, Ola Lilith, W. Nodik, Zutsanovitz, Gina Gold, Hertlikh, M. Gurvitz.

The theatre was very popular in Poland, especially its numbers, which used to be sung across thousands of homes in Poland.

Y. Nozyk wrote about the theatre: "We could get complaints about individual numbers, or at times about an entire program, but we have not needed and not getort forgotten that only the achievement to distribute the Yiddish theatre, the clumsy operettas, is worthy of praise. Also it's given the opportunity the writers to test out their works in the scene: an artist-painter to display beautiful set decorations; a warm folk song refreshing with an artistic dramatization; a musician and a regisseur to seek and find new forms in the musical and scenic productions, and individual actors to ring out individual fine types and beautiful creations. --  all these had to be more than the not-so-good moments".

  • N. M. [Mayzel] -- Sambatyon, "Literarishe bleter", Warsaw, N' 121, 1926.

  • N. Mayzel -- Dos tsveyte program fun "sambatyon", "Literarishe bleter", Warsaw, N' 133, 1926.

  • Y. Kener -- Fun unzer klein-bine, sambatyon, 2, "Arbeter-velt", Wrsaw, N' 40, 1926.

  • M. Kipnis -- Der sambatyon hot zikh tseshpilt...., "Haynt", Warsaw, 29 August 1926.

  • Tunkeler -- Bamerkungen vegn teater (sambatyon), "Moment", Warsaw, 31 August 1926.

  • A teatral [B. Michalevitsh] -- Der sambatyon varft, "Folkstsaytung", Warsaw, 24 August 1926.

  • A teatral -- Der "sambatyon" varft di tsveyte program, "Folkstsaytung", Warsaw, 16 November 1926.

  • [--] -- Der tsveyter sambatyon-program, "Varshever ekspres", 16 November 1926.

  • N. Mayzel -- Dos drite program fun  "sambatyon", "Literarishe bleter", Warsaw, N' 5, 1927.

  • N. M. -- "Der rbi hot geheysn freeylekh zayn", "Literarishe bleter", Warsaw, N' 48, 1927.

  • Elkhanan Zeitlin -- "Vu nemt men a khasen?", "Unzer ekspres", Warsaw, 23 January 1928.

  • M. Kipnis -- "Vu nemt men a khasen?", "Haynt", Warsaw, 31 January 1928.

  • Yitzhak Nozyk -- Sambatyon, "Literarishe bleter", Warsaw, N' 6, 1928.

  • A. Shvartser [Y. Nisenbaum] -- "Sambatyon" in teater pa??eon, "Lubliner tegblat", 18 February 1928.

  • Elkhanan Zeitlin -- "Yokum-bembe" in skala-teater, "Unzer ekspres", Warsaw, 5 March 1928.

  • Bit-shin [B. Shefner] -- "Nokh havdalah", "Naye folkstsaytung", Warsaw, 15 April 1928.

  • M. Kipnis -- Nokh havdalah, "Haynt", Warsaw, 3 May 1928.

  • Dr. Moshe Lustig -- "Der rbi hot geheysn freylekh zayn", "Der morgn", Lemberg, 18 Mary 1928.

  • Dr. Moshe Lustig -- "Nokh havdalah", dort, 28 May 1928.

  • Dr. Moshe Lustig -- "Gvald, dirh-gelt", dort, 1 June 1928.

  • Sh. L. Tsitron -- "Azazel-sambatyon", "Vilner tog", 5 October 1928.

  • A. Grafman -- A por bitere verter, "Moment", Warsaw, 7 April 1929.

  • Y. M. Neyman -- Humor in idishen teater, "Haynt", Warsaw, 22 April 1929.

  • Elkhanan Zeitlin -- "Mis yudene" in "skala-teater", "Unzer ekspres", Warsaw, 30 April 1929.

  • Elkhanan Zeitlin -- "Yokl dem rbin's" in "skala", "Unzer ekspres", Warsaw, 28 October 1929.

  • Shimshon Khn -- Revi un operete, "Vilner tog", 24 May 1933.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 2,  page 1500.

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