Life in Eastern Europe

From the Pale to the Golden Land


How our Families Came to America
Destination: Ellis Island



Below are listed the names and years of immigration and birth of some of our ancestors, each of whom, with a sufficient cache of courage and resolve, left the land of their birth and their loved ones, and voyaged across the Atlantic Ocean in hopes of finding a better life in the United States.

The information contained within the Immigrant Lists was accessed through the Passenger Search service provided by The Statue of Liberty - Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. and its website, using Steve Morse's Search Tools.



Adaskies,Lejb 1921 1856
Ajbynder,Joche 1922 1868
Anchewitz,Alter 1917 1903
Bader,Alta 1922 1904
Bedner,Jacha 1921 1901
Bomba,Judel 1922 1883
Bondawicz,Alter 1920 1903
Bondawicz,Lea 1920 1901
Bondawicz,Mozes 1920 1869
Bondawicz,Neach 1920 1905
Bondawicz,Szejna 1920 1869
Braschnik,Michal 1920 1914
Braschnik,Sara 1920 1895
Braschnik,Tyla 1920 1904
Brazinsky,Alta 1921 1881
Brazinsky,Mejer 1921 1916
Brazinsky,Moijsze 1921 1911
Brazinsky,Udia 1921 1914
Braznik,Ester 1921 1865
Braznik,Mirka 1921 1901
Bruch,Anna 1921 1913
Bruch,Ida 1921 1907
Bruch,Molka 1921 1910
Brzinska,Dyna 1921 1915
Brzinska,Israel 1921 1906
Chajet,Peria 1922 1912
Chajet,Sroel 1922 1867
Cohn,Chaja 1921 1903
Cohn,Chawa 1921 1909
Cohn,Sara 1921 1881
Costicka,Cipa 1923 1863
Czapnik,Aron 1917 1912
Czapnik,Matel 1917 1892
Czartajewska,Avon 1920 1908
Czartajewska,Dwosz 1920 1911
Czartajewska,Hura-Suza 1920 1895
Czartajewska,Ruvka 1920 1903
Czerniak,Chaja 1923 1882
Czerniak,Fejga 1923 1912
Czerniak,Fryma 1923 1914
Czerniak,Pesza 1923 1918
Czerniak,Uszer 1923 1916
Czernick,Riwka 1920 1896
Drejzes,Ester 1920 1866
Drejzes,Jankiel 1920 1904
Dworkies,Jeitle 1921 1907
Dworsz,Simy 1920 1865
Dzumy,Chawy 1920 1880
Dzumy,Eizek 1920 1909
Dzumy,Menachem 1920 1906
Dzumy,Scheine 1920 1913
Dzumy,Wasyl 1920 1903
Erlich,Berko 1921 1902
Erlich,Chaja 1921 1912
Erlich,Feiga 1921 1860
Farber,Alter 1921 1905
Farber,Basia 1921 1861
Farber,Cyrla 1921 1898
Farber,Golda 1921 1899
Farber,Szloime 1921 1855
Farbman,Chawe 1922 1890
Farbman,Gitla 1922 1914
Farbman,Judal 1922 1913
Friedman,Perl 1920 1913
Friedman,Shaja 1920 1891
Gasiuk,Kataryzina 1921 1902
Geretko,Josef 1913 1874
Gieroczynski,Jan 1923 1881
Goldstein,Baila 1921 1899
Golebowicz,Minella 1922 1900
Grodinsky,Abram 1920 1903
Grodinsky,Israfla 1920 1905
Grodinsky,Rosa 1920 1897
Grodinsky,Sara 1920 1877
Grodzienska,Enia Chaja 1923 1922
Grodzienska,Itka 1923 1901
Grodzienski,Josel 1922 1898
Grodzinska,Zelman 1923 1920
Grynberg,Malka 1920 1872
Halpern,Rose 1917 1900
Jegier,Cilia 1923 1904
Jegier,Fejga 1923 1873
Kaplan,Meische 1908 1875
Kaplinski,Mozes 1921 1903
Knepler,Alter 1907 1887
Kolec,Estera 1921 1909
Kolec,Leja 1921 1912
Kolec,Syrka 1921 1876
Kolso,Jacob 1921 1902
Kona,Ajzyla 1920 1905
Kona,Tema 1920 1902
Kotlar,Aron 1920 1910
Kotlar,Davi 1920 1907
Kotlar,Elie 1921 1913
Kotlar,Feiga 1921 1887
Kotlar,Golda 1921 1910
Kotlar,Kelman 1920 1905
Kotlar,Marja 1921 1890
Kotlar,Mordka 1921 1901
Kotlar,Sara 1920 1881
Kotlar,Szejna 1921 1861
Koza,Zlate 1920 1901
Kozlowska,Gitta Byfka 1923 1863
Kozlowski,Zeligleib 1922 1905
Krawitz,Ester 1920 1871
Krawitz,Rachel 1920 1901
Kwiek,Josef 1907 1876
Leckam,Chaja Sora 1921 1872
Leckam,Chana 1921 1904
Leckam,Ester 1921 1910
Leckam,Fejga 1921 1911
Leckam,Menachim 1921 1906
Leifer,Doba 1920 1883
Leifer,Jankel 1920 1904
Levi,Breina 1920 1899
Lew,Ester 1917 1895
Lew,Matel 1921 1913
Lew,Roza 1921 1909
Lewin,Dwejra 1920 1892
Libowitsch,Basch 1923 1904
Londynska,Asna 1920 1890
Londynska,Estera-Sura 1922 1903
Londynska,Rywka 1922 1912
Londynsky,Zelman 1920 1907
Luberg,Chaja 1920 1889
Luberg,Jacob 1920 1908
Maniak,Piotre 1907 1883
Melawed,Mirka 1923 1866
Miller,Gitla 1920 1912
Miller,Riwka 1920 1913
Miller,Roza 1920 1888
Miller,Smul 1920 1910
Milner,Lejbisz 1922 1913
Milner,Sara 1922 1874
Milner,Sura 1923 1905
Miszka,Dajcz 1921 1897
Monczer,Abram 1920 1909
Monczer,Feigi 1920 1884
Monczer,Gittel 1917 1913
Monczer,Heni 1920 1906
Monczer,Liba 1920 1908
Monczer,Rochil 1917 1890
Muzykant,Moszek 1922 1905
Najdes,Rochla 1921 1893
Najdes,Sylka 1921 1913
Nowak,Jan 1907 1882
Oksa,Arja 1923 1888
Orlansky,Feige 1920 1902
Orzechowski,Jente 1917 1892
Pandrik,Chaja 1920 1905
Pandrik,Dawid 1920 1903
Pandrik,Zelda 1920 1882
Paretko,Felix 1908 1876
Pencharsch,Neschke 1916 1896
Pencharsch,Peisach 1916 1901
Pencharz,Elka 1920 1907
Pencharz,Feig... 1920 1899
Pencharz,Hin...a 1920 1875
Pencharz,Meier 1920 1906
Pencharz,Schaprel 1920 1911
Piakar,Chana 1921 1876
Pieka,Abraham 1920 1903
Pieka,Gitla 1920 1897
Piekar,Benjamin 1920 1898
Piekar,Chani 1921 1907
Piekar,Estor 1921 1902
Piekar,Icko 1920 1906
Piekar,Leia 1920 1913
Piekar,Pesza 1920 1909
Piekar,Sara 1921 1901
Piekar,Schfine 1920 1868
Piekar,Schifra 1921 1914
Piekar,Syrul 1921 1917
Piekar,Tana 1920 1862
Piekar,Tana 1921 1912
Piokar,Horsko 1921 1866
Piwowar,Franciszek 1907 1882
Pomerano,Fiszel-Froim 1922 1872
Pregel,Gossie 1917 1912
Pregel,Scheine 1917 1894
Prinz,Schlaime 1909 1882
Proscianski,Abe 1920 1884
Proscianski,Leja 1920 1886
Puterjoan,Chana 1921 1908
Puterman,Leja 1921 1884
Puterman,Tana 1921 1910
Reiman,Nissel 1921 1904
Rezental,Chain Josef 1920 1916
Rezental,Joel 1920 1913
Rezental,Maria 1920 1915
Rezental,Rywka 1920 1912
Rezental,Szepszel 1920 1877
Reznik,Feige 1920 1883
Reznik,Liebe 1898 1878
Reznik,Rifka 1920 1911
Rosenthal,Rochel 1917 1896
Rotenberg,Leja 1920 1864
Rubka,Abram 1921 1912
Rubka,Chaja 1921 1888
Rubka,Persach 1921 1910
Sadaskes,Ettel 1917 1909
Sadaskes,Masche 1917 1885
Sadaskes,Sune 1917 1908
Sadaskes,Ziwie 1917 1912
Sebastakowicz,Feliks 1920 1886
Sebis,Ides 1920 1913
Sebis,Sura 1920 1914
Sidorczuk,Alexander 1908 1876
Skora,Cywa 1921 1911
Skora,Szmul 1922 1898
Slochowska,Chaja 1920 1902
Sofer,Alter 1923 1910
Sofer,Estera 1921 1902
Sofer,Feiga 1923 1912
Sofer,Feiga 1923 1875
Sofer,Golda 1921 1904
Sofer,Rywka 1923 1912
Soltak,Etka 1921 1905
Sorokosz,Jan 1908 1871
Sotnik,Jankiel 1922 1904
Stan,Ferdinand 1911 1884
Suchowolski,Abram 1917 1916
Suchowolski,Benjamin 1917 1885
Suchowolski,Rachel 1917 1914
Suchowolski,Reisel 1917 1889
Szewc,Szaja 1923 1905
Szkolnik,Enoch 1922 1894
Szkolnik,Feiga 1920 1900
Szkolnik,Ita 1920 1898
Szkolnik,Rachel 1920 1866
Szoskriesa,Abram 1921 1887
Szoszkes,Alta 1922 1903
Szoszkies,Nejba 1922 1884
Szuster,Matys 1920 1876
Tasz,Bluma 1920 1902
Tasz,Cypa 1923 1921
Tasz,Jozef, Chaim 1922 1906
Tasz,Majer 1920 1904
Tasz,Masza 1923 1899
Tolwinski,Lejwa 1921 1854
Tolwinski,Malka 1921 1861
Tolwinski,Matla 1921 1902
Tracz,Ester 1921 1855
Tracz,Szlojme 1921 1855
Tracza,Abram 1922 1905
Uriszes,Chuma 1921 1913
Uriszes,Golda 1921 1914
Uriszes,Sara 1921 1892
Wajmann,Kellman 1920 1885
Wajmann,Mattel 1920 1912
Wajmann,Sluwy 1920 1890
Waksmann,Alte 1917 1882
Waksmann,Feige 1917 1910
Walach,Fischel 1920 1861
Walach,Schmul 1920 1884
Walach,Sury 1920 1896
Wargaftig,Chane 1920 1906
Wargaftig,Ester 1920 1874
Wargaftig,Faige 1920 1908
Wargaftig,Henie 1920 1904
Wargaftig,Hirsch 1920 1903
Wargaftig,Moses 1920 1912
Wat,Alter 1917 1887
Wat,David 1917 1911
Wat,Ester Leja 1917 1889
Wat,Henia 1917 1916
Weinbrun,Rochla 1920 1893
Wejlach,Jankiel 1922 1898
Wejlach,Zawel 1922 1904
Wiener,Alty 1920 1903
Wiener,Beel 1920 1907
Wiener,Chaja 1920 1911
Wiener,Ruchel 1920 1875
Wimar,Abram 1921 1915
Wimar,Brucha 1921 1902
Wimar,Chaim 1921 1912
Wimar,Josel 1921 1914
Wimar,Saleman 1921 1905
Wimar,Sara 1921 1871
Wolezynska,Beila 1920 1908
Wolezynska,Liebe 1920 1881
Wolezynska,Rowka 1920 1911
Wolezynska,Schifre 1920 1911
Worona,Ajzyk 1921 1906
Worona,Chaim 1921 1905
Worona,Szejna 1921 1878
Wulkier,Berko 1923 1894
Zabinski,Jan 1913 1879
Zam,Chawa 1921 1897
Zembkewitz,Gregorz 1907 1886
Zoltak,Bejie 1921 1907
Zoltak,Fejga 1923 1900
Zoltak,Goldy 1921 1887
Zoltak,Ryfka 1921 1914
Zoltak,Soszke 1921 1910
Zoltak,Szlojme 1921 1912


Additional information about individual immigrants can be obtained
through the Passenger Search service at


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