The Cemetery Project

Y Holocaust Memorials Y




First Zbarazer Relief Society, Inc.
Elmont, New York
Section AA, Block 1
The society was organized in 1896.
The memorial was dedicated on 7 September 1947.

"This monument is in memory of the terrible destruction which was wrought
by the German and Ukraine mass-murderers, in our town of Zbaraz."

"Our brothers and sisters fell in the thousands--killed, cremated and asphyxiated,
in the gas and torture chambers of Belzec, Treblinka, Auschwitz etc."

"Our synagogues and holy places were wrecked and even the Jewish cemeteries were profaned by their using the memorial stones for street pavements."

"Let the Lord avenge their blood."

"Here lies soap, made by the German mass-murderers, from the bodies of our brethren.
May their souls rest in eternal peace."

"The dates of the pogroms were as follows:--
9, Thamus--July 4, 1941
The day of the German occupation when 22 Jews were killed and buried near the synagogue.
14, Elul--September 6, 1941
70 Jews were killed in the Lubianki woods.
18, Elul--August 31, 1942
About  500 Jews killed in Belzec gas chambers.
18, Tishri--September 29, 1942
About 250 Jews in Belzec.
11, Cheshvon--October 22, 1942
About 1100 Jews, including some from Podwoloczysk, were taken to Belzec.
28, Cheshvon--November 8, 1942
About 1000 in Belzec.
2, Nissan--April 7, 1943
About 1200 in Neftostroy Zbaraz.
6, Sivan--June 9, 1943
The remainder about 300 were killed in Neftostroy Zbaraz .
About 700 odd groups in hiding in the fields and woods."



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