Guide to the United States

from the 1916 book of the same name by John Foster Carr

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The Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society at 229 East Broadway, New York City, gives the immigrant all needed information and assistance. The Home of this Society is open day and night. Here the Jew can get all friendly service to help his arriving friend or relative to land, or to communicate with hint, if he has already arrived. Immigrant Jews should go exclusively to this Society for information, for guidance to destination, for hunting baggage. Otherwise they are likely to be swindled.

At the home of this Society the immigrant Jew can have every reasonable assistance until he finds his relatives or friends, or until he finds work. Accommodations are provided for men, women and children. There is an interpreter for Oriental Jews as well as one for other Jews.


Home of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society
on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
From the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec. 28, 1913.

Pen, ink, and paper are supplied free, as are also newspapers. Immigrants may use this Society as a forwarding address for letters. There are excellent baths, always at the free disposition of guests. A physician and a nurse are in attendance. The kitchen supplies excellent Kosher cooking. There is a synagogue in the building and prayers are said three times a day. There are facilities for the performance of every religious duty. Every service of this Society is given gratuitously. Jews may write to it from any part of the United States for information, advice and the addresses of useful societies.

The Clara de Hirsch Home for Immigrant Girls, 320 Second A venue, New York City, meets immigrant women and girls at Ellis Island. It gives them shelter, finds their relatives and friends, or obtains employment and proper homes for them. It gives information and advice; has classes in English and sewing clubs; has a bank. All services are free. Board and lodging costs $3.00 a week.


If you need work immediately on your arrival, even if you have an experienced friend, you should try to see if better work cannot be offered you. Do not trust a private employment agency unless its state license is posted in plain sight. All unlicensed employment agencies are kept by swindlers, who will rob you of your money, and perhaps send you to a job, where in spite of splendid promises you will not be paid for your work. Girls and young women should be on their guard, not only as to employment agencies; they should particularly distrust chance acquaintances who offer them work at high wages. Acceptance of such an offer may lead them into a perilous position.

Unless you speak English, it is impossible, in the skilled trades, to find just the work you wish. The Jews who have succeeded best in America have been those who have taken the first work that offered. It is important to begin immediately. America is a land of opportunities, and if you work faithfully and intelligently you will have many chances for advancement. If you have a choice, it is usually better to take a job at a distance from the city where you land.

The Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society at 229 East Broadway, New York City, finds safe and remunerative work for newcomers within the city, and charges no fee whatever for doing so. Its employment agent is in his office from 8 to 10 A. M.

The Industrial Removal Office at 174 Second Ave., New York City, finds employment, in both skilled and unskilled labor, for all Jews in New York, who desire to locate in towns in the interior of the United States, where conditions of employment are better. In the large seaport cities, particularly in New York, the cost of rent and living are higher than anywhere else, and on account of competition wages are low and work scarce.

The Removal Office has branches all over the United States, in charge of the most representative and responsible Jews in each town. It has full industrial, economic, social and educational information of importance to Jews regarding all the principal centers of the United States. It has found profitable employment and homes for over 70,000 Jews, in every possible trade, in every state of the Union, in almost 1,400 towns and cities. It makes absolutely no charge either to employer or employee for its services. In all necessary cases, it pays all transportation expenses. It always has reliable and up-to-date information regarding the condition of the labor market in every part of the country, and under no circumstances will it direct or send applicants for work to places where a strike or a labor dispute of any kind is taking place. It carefully investigates every employer offering a job. The Removal Office also maintains a Bureau of Information and Advice for men who have a small capital which they would like to invest in business in the interior of the country. Immigrants may have the fullest confidence in this Society. The office hours are from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.

Other Public Employment Offices- Some public employment offices are maintained by the National Government, some by the state, some by the city. Generally their jurisdiction does not extend beyond the city or state in which they are. With the exception of that at Los Angeles, California, which charges a fee of 25c. to those for whom they procure work, all public employment offices give their help gratuitously, both to workmen and employers, charging no fee of any kind. They are open to foreigners as well as to citizens. Such offices exist in every large city, and are easily found by asking any Jewish workman.








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